The IAB Tech Lab European Communication Group "Audio & Video" came together on May 12th, 2021 to discuss CTV in detail, joined by our Co-Founder Leander.
Discussions were centered around how OM will work for CTV and the Content Taxonomy updates to support common TV/Movie genres.
Further Topics:
Implementation Guide for CTV
Panel Discussion: European Ad Tech Companys in CTV; Why do we need Standards for measurement; future role of CTV in digital media
The following panelists were sharing their expertise:
Oliver von Wersch - CEO & Founder, vonwerschpartner Digital Strategies |
Leander Carell - Managing Director & Founder, Nowtilus |
Shailley Singh - SVP, Product Management & Global Programs, IAB Tech Lab |
Gijsbert Pohls - Lead Product Strategist, Adjust |
Sven Hagemeier - Director Inventory Partnerships, The Trade Desk |